Roasted Locally for Everyone


Mexico Los Altos

Mexico Los Altos


The vast valleys and hills of Chiapas are home to Los Altos, which lies at 1,600-1,850masl. Rich deposits of marble stone cover the ground in shady primary forests that border the Lacandona jungle. Coffee grows among native species, often organically by default,


In the 2010s, coffee leaf rust decimated coffee production in Central America. Due to Chiapas’ proximity to Guatemala, it was one of the first regions to succumb to the fungal disease but also one of the first to bounce back. Today, Chiapas is leading the charge in innovation and investment to bring Mexico’s coffee production back up to speed. As a result, the renowned region now produces high-quality unroasted coffee beans at even higher volumes than before.

We are looking forward to drinking this as our morning coffee for the next few months. It's a bright cup with lots of chocolate and  stone fruit as it cools


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